bu-gece-gel-yarın-istersen-yine-git dediler pop kraliçeleri. eve sinen kokular, duvarlardan yankılanan sesler falan hani. söylemesi ayıp daha geçenlerde, sadece bir gece - bir gece sadece ekolünden bişiler yaşanınca... bu cümle bitmesin... ama o münasebet bitti. bir geceydi zaten, bir gecede bitti.
Devamı olmayan perişanlara bir klasikle çığlık çığlığa sesleniyor Queen Sylvester:
You want all my love and my devotion
You want my loving soul right on the line
I have no doubt that I could love you forever
The only trouble is, we really, really don't have the time
You've got one night only, one night only
That's all I have to spare
One night only, let's not pretend to care
One night only, one night only
Come on big baby come on
One night only, we only have 'til dawn - We only have 'til dawn
In the morning this feeling will be gone - Be gone
It has no chance going on
Something so right has got no chance to live
So let's forget about chances, it's one night I can give
One night only, one night only
That's all I got to spare
One night only, one night only - take me
Come on big baby come on
One night only, we only have 'til dawn - Nothing but one night
One night only, one night only
There's nothing more to say
One night only, words get in the way - Nothing but one night
One night only, one night only...
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o geceyi bile bulamayanlar var kardeş, sıkma canını...
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